Spearpoint Strategies Blog

  • Selecting Sustainability Resources

    When a client signs onto a project with me, they expect me to be informed and up to date with the happenings of the sustainability world. Thus, I make it my business to read books on sustainability and business, follow thought leaders on LinkedIn, attend conferences, and everything else that allows me to deliver a…

  • Act Now

    A great sales pitch is one that contains urgency. People shouldn’t just want to buy your product. They should want to buy it today. Finding that sense of urgency and communicating it to others is a big part of a successful sale. Sustainability has urgency built in. Climate change is happening right now. Biodiversity loss…

  • B Impact Assessment Changes – Reflection

    So things are changing in the B Impact Assessment. When I started hearing rumblings many months ago, I was torn between excitement and dread. I have spent a lot of time elbow deep in the BIA, and the announced changes will address a lot of concerns that folks in the community have voiced – a…