Category: Uncategorized

  • Why I Built My Services the Way I Did

    When I hit my one year mark of Spearpoint Strategies, I sat down and thought hard about what I was doing. I had spent a lot of time talking to people and hearing the reasons they couldn’t hire me right then. People asked me questions about my business that I wasn’t fully prepared to answer.…

  • The Value of a Long-term, External Resource

    Here is the thing about sustainability: you need to devote resources to sustainability efforts if you want them to work. This is especially true if you want to derive business value from them. Good intent and good ideas will not carry you far if you don’t commit to executing them. This truth doesn’t make it…

  • Fall Will Be Here Soon – And It Will Be Warm?

    Kids are back in school. I have been wearing a sweater in the early morning. The farmer’s market is carrying pumpkins now, and tomatoes have been the theme at dinner several nights in a row. Summer is ending. Fall is approaching. I was born and raised in New Hampshire, and thus I am a firm…

  • Roadtrip! – The Electric and Gas Powered Experience

    This summer, I drove from New Hampshire to western Maryland to see family. I made the trip twice. It is 614 miles and usually takes between 10 and 12 hours depending on traffic. This is a trip I am accustomed to taking, and I am well prepared with CDs, books, and practiced patience. The first…

  • Remote Work Has Impact – That Means It Has Opportunity

    I am sitting at my desk, all my papers tucked out of sight of the camera and a glass of water at the ready for when I need to refresh from the constant talking. My meeting partner is accustomed to video calls. He owns a small company with a fully remote team. All communications happen…