The Taking Aim Sustainability Bootcamp
Join Spearpoint Strategies in a sustainability bootcamp to kickstart your impact journey! Built for companies who want to start their sustainability journey with minimal costs and time, this bootcamp will give you the tools you need to see how business and caring for the world intersect for your company
What does the bootcamp consist of?
The Taking Aim Sustainability Bootcamp takes place on video over one week with three meetings. The first will be an introduction to sustainable business. The second meeting will consist of the completion by each company of the Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool, developed by Bob Willard of Sustainability Advantage. Finally, Spearpoint Strategies will meet with each attendee 1on1 to review BSAT results and come up with an action plan.
Day 1:
- Introductions
- Sustainable Business Concepts
- Business Case for Sustainability
Day 2:
- Completion of Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool (BSAT)
Day 3 -1on1 Session:
- Review of BSAT Results
- Creation of Sustainability Roadmap
Interested in the Taking Aim Sustainability Bootcamp?
Bootcamps run regularly year-round. Reach out to see what schedule works for you!
A company may send two attendees for the price of $100 for the bootcamp. Additional
attendees, beyond the initial two, from the same employer are $25 each.
Professional Associations
Trade associations may sponsor slots for members to attend the Taking Aim Sustainability Bootcamp. Spearpoint Strategies can also work with trade associations to come up with co-branded, industry specific programming for members.