Why I Built My Services the Way I Did

When I hit my one year mark of Spearpoint Strategies, I sat down and thought hard about what I was doing. I had spent a lot of time talking to people and hearing the reasons they couldn’t hire me right then. People asked me questions about my business that I wasn’t fully prepared to answer. I knew what I was doing, but I did not know how to communicate that to prospective clients. I expected that a person would walk into my office (figuratively, I work from home), tell me what project they had, and hire me to complete it. This is essentially what happens in classrooms, and I had transitioned out of those. Staring at my Year 2 plan, I realized I needed to productize my offerings so that I could walk into an office, tell a prospective client what project would be best for them, and then be hired to complete it.

This process of developing my company’s offerings was actually quite exciting. I created Spearpoint Strategies because I am passionate about sustainable business consulting. To get specific about how I could help companies, I had to dive deep into my interests and strengths. I spent the time imagining what kinds of projects would create impact and be fulfilling.

I also saw the value of all those conversations I had been having. Each time I spoke to a company or received an objection, I took that piece of information and kept it. I had a wealth of knowledge on what companies were struggling with, as well as what they wanted in a sustainability consultant.

So what exactly were the objections? And how did I develop services that addressed them?

Firstly, many folks don’t know where to start with sustainability. They can’t hire me for a project that they haven’t thought up yet. Sustainability is broad and at times contentious. Some would rather keep the door closed than make costly mistakes. How can they make progress when they don’t know where their current status? And why spend money when they don’t know what the end result will be? Thus, I have two services to get a company started: audits and trainings. With a Spearpoint Sustainability Audit, a client is given a full understanding of where the company stands in regards to sustainability as well as a roadmap for elevating that standing. With Spearpoint Sustainability Trainings, an entire company can be given the tools to approach their work with sustainability as the driver. No need to reinvent the wheel with the plethora of frameworks, facts, guides, etc. to help companies make the best impact they can while turning a profit.

What about time? A lack of time is actually one of the best reasons to hire an external consultant. The Fractional Sustainability Resource gives a company the expertise, time, and resources of Spearpoint Strategies for the long-term, not tied to any particular project or deliverable. This client is able to progress in strategic sustainability actions without being burdened by the responsibility of a full time position.

One of the most time-consuming projects that sustainability-interested companies look at is third party certification. Certifications provide transparency, accountability, and confidence. Yet filling out the forms, handling audits, and coordinating team members is a significant demand on the time of already busy people. Spearpoint Strategies offers certification assistance and other offerings, like the Fractional Sustainability Resource and Spearpoint Sustainability Audit, can incorporate third party certifications for maximum efficiency.


Some people I speak to simply don’t see the point in sustainability. They believe it to be nothing more than a buzzword and cost center. There is a substantial business case for sustainability, but the fact is that many companies will not experience the full value because they do not approach sustainability strategically. Their approach is limited and noncommittal, thus leading to costs and failure, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Spearpoint Strategic Planning is my answer to that. This program takes sustainability as a value creator seriously, and works with clients to develop a business model that elevates profit, people, and the planet.

And so, my current slate of offerings developed. I put them into a PDF, made a LinkedIn promotion plan, and updated my website. I have been slowly sending the list to my contacts, hoping that they will spot opportunities and send me recommendations. I will continue to learn and thus my offerings will evolve (stakeholder engagement? Bootcamps? Sole proprietor assistance? So many possibilities!). Regardless, my passion for sustainable business will be the constant.

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